Emerson Michael, Hu Biliang, Nag Rajat M., Starr Frederick S., Vinokurov Evgeny. The Belt and Road Initiative in Central Asia and South Caucasus: the Perspectives of China, Russia, the European Union, India, and the United States of America

23 July 2019

Emerging Markets Forum: Washington D.C. 2019. 

Most countries in the Central Asia and South Caucasus region have a multi-vector approach to their external relations and hence would expect to rely on multiple partners to help advance their national economic and political agendas. Moreover, it is clear that, for the best possible impact of the BRI, cooperation not only among the countries of the region and with China, but also with other partners—bilateral and multilateral—will be needed. It is thus important for the CASC countries to understand the motivations and concerns of the outside powers that may have a role in making the BRI a success (or a failure, as the case may be). This publications compiles the five background notes prepared by experts from these outside powers.
