Financial credit to Tajikistan to support social budget spending


Budget support and/or balance-of-payments support

Completed Financial credit

The ACF Council held on June 18, 2010 in Saint Petersburg approved the first ACF operation — financial credit to the Republic of Tajikistan in the amount of US$70 million. The Credit agreement between the Government of Tajikistan and the EDB as the Manager of ACF resources was signed on July 24 in Dushanbe. On August 20, 2010 this financial credit was disbursed to the Republic of Tajikistan in a single tranche.

Main parameters of the financial credit can be found here

In accordance with the Agreement on the provision of a Financial Credit (FC) from the EurAsEC Anti-crisis Fund between EDB and Republic of Tajikistan, in February-May 2011 the ACF Manager conducted an assessment of the progress in reforms supported by the FC. The main conclusions have been agreed with the Borrower and were included into the Mid-Term Report, which is placed here.

The Manager’s Implementation Completion Report on the Financial Credit to Tajikistan was approved at the Fund Council’s meeting on 7 December, 2012. The report can be found here.
